Friday, May 20, 2011

Birthday Pie

Author's Note- A while ago in class, we did a journal entry, and the this was the prompt.

Power Outage at home, in the night, and your family is all around you.  Summer, during a thunderstorm around 9 pm central time.  With no cake.  Sharing a pie.

I had decided to write about my birthday pie, which is an actual birthday tradition for our family.  Last night, I found this, fixed it up and added a few things to it, and it is now a new  blog post.  Comments are appreciated, as always. 

"Oh, no!" cried my mom.  "The pie!"

"Pie?" I asked, looking around.  There was no pie in sight.  "What pie?"

"The pie I made for you're birthday tomorrow!  Since the power is out, that means the fridge won't be cold, and the pie will go bad.  By tomorrow, we won't be able to eat it!" she exclaimed.
This was a serious dilemma.  No birthday pie?  Birthday pie is a tradition in our family, and without it, the fun would be taken out of the party.

"What ever shall we do?"  asked my little sister Lauren, rather dramatically.

"Well, how about we have the pie early?"  proposed my mother.  "We'll pretend it's your birthday right now, and we'll get out the pie before it goes bad, and we'll eat it!"

My family pondered this.   Having birthday pie when it wasn't your birthday is something we never do.  It would ruin the tradition.  And then there would be no pie for the party!  But otherwise it would get all rotten, and there would be no pie!  It's completely and totally against all family traditions, but….

"It's not a bad idea," said Dad.

"If we don't eat it now, we won't have any pie at all," my mom added.

"Well…"  I hesitated.

"I don't see a problem with it," shrugged Lauren.

I sighed.  "Okay, I guess." My mom brought out the coconut cream pie, and we all dug in.  And it turned out to be the best coconut cream pie in the entire universe, even if it was a day early.


  1. This piece was funny. You made it sound like a crime if you ate birthday pie before your birthday. Nice piece.

  2. I like how you dramatize the problem. Also, I really like it when Lauren says "Whatever shall we do?" You're good at writing funny pieces.

  3. This piece was really good when you read it to the class and you made it better! You always have really good voice in your pieces and in this piece it really stands out.
